PVC Tile Trims
Buy PVC Tile Trims In Ireland Today
PVC Tile Trims or Plastic Tile Trims are used to cover the edges of tiles and at external corners. Available In Tradtional Round edge and Contemporary Square Edge in popular white and cream colours in a wide variety of thicknesses.
Can't see what you are looking for? We also supply a full range of Metal Tile Trims or Contact TilesDirect and we will source it for you...
Buy PVC Tile Trims In Ireland Today
PVC Tile Trims or Plastic Tile Trims are used to cover the edges of tiles and at external corners. Available In Tradtional Round edge and Contemporary Square Edge in popular white and cream colours in a wide variety of thicknesses.
Can't see what you are looking for? We also supply a full range of Metal Tile Trims or Contact TilesDirect and we will source it for you...
Buy PVC Tile Trims In Ireland Today
PVC Tile Trims or Plastic Tile Trims are used to cover the edges of tiles and at external corners. Available In Tradtional Round edge and Contemporary Square Edge in popular white and cream colours in a wide variety of thicknesses.
Can't see what you are looking for? We also supply a full range of Metal Tile Trims or Contact TilesDirect and we will source it for you...